A New Adventure
A new adventure! Our family is growing! We are so excited to announce that we are expecting! But maybe not in the way you are thinking. We have decided to adopt through foster care, and we are thrilled! This process can be a little confusing, so I am hoping that this blog may serve as a way to keep our family and friends informed about the process. Our desire is to adopt 2 siblings so they may stay together. We are open to children up to preschool age, so infants to age 5. Many people seem confused as to our motivation. We truly know without a doubt that God has called us to adoption. We have found our ministry, and it is providing a loving family to children in need. God calls us to care for orphans, it's very simple.
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
~James 1:27
Adoption through foster care, or fost/adopt, can be very confidential, so there are many details that we will not be able to share even with our closest family. Please understand that will always act out of the best interest of our family while abiding by the law and the rules that CPS has put into place.
I will start by doing a basic overview of how the process will work for us.
1. Currently, we are completing the process to be licensed for foster care, which should hopefully happen by August.
2. As soon as we are licensed for foster care, our worker can submit our homestudy and additional paperwork to the court system to be certified for adoption.
3. From there, we will work closely with our licensing agency and CPS to match our family with children based on their needs and ours. This may take a couple of weeks, it may take a year, we have no idea.
4. When we are chosen for children, we will have a time of transition where we progress at the children's speed. We will start with visits and work our way up to them moving in to our home.
5. The children are required to be in our care for at least 6 months before we can legally adopt. But depending on the case, it may take longer.
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