My Little Olympian
This was absolutely my favorite year of the Olympics ever. I have to admit, I was never obsessed with watching before. This year, I decided to make it a bit special. We had an Opening Ceremonies here at our house, complete with a paper torch and lots of decorations. Baby J even helped by coloring his first drawing. Then we had our own Olympic games. That night, Mommy and Daddy played fun games with Little J, but he won every time! Can you believe it? He won at "Sitting like a big boy," "Being the cutest," the "5 foot crawl" and of course the "Messy Eating contest." We had so much fun!
Over the last few weeks, J has really shown us what a little Olympian he really is. His favorite new sport: chasing the dog and kitty. Fortunately, we have great pets who really enjoy the attention from baby J. I love to watch my little man interact with my "Fur-babies." Another Olympic sport at our house is standing on everything. Anything that he can use to help get him to a standing position, he has found.
Even though the Olympics is officially over, we still have the Olympic spirit here!
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