Mommy Wars

Let's get one thing straight: motherhood is tough!  I think every mother on the planet would agree that it is the hardest job out there.  Moms work 24 hours a day, even in their sleep.  They don't take breaks on weekends or holidays.  Everyone has heard the list of mom's responsibilities, including nurse, teacher, playmate, diplomat, cheerleader, and so much more.  And if moms don't have enough on their plate, they have to deal with this "Mommy Guilt" and these so called "Mommy Wars."  I never knew what the big deal was, until I was pregnant with Baby J.

It started early, with people telling me about the "research" about genetic testing, about the importance of vaccinating/not vaccinating, and for goodness sakes, put those swollen pregnant feet up!  Then J was born.  And on top of the opinion of all of the other mom's on the planet, I had my own guilt.  I wanted to give this precious baby everything, but it's just not physically possible.  So, I am doing my best.  And I realized that I would love to start hearing the reality of motherhood more, instead of those perfect "Facebook Status" moments.  You know, the ones that say "My baby and I had so much fun today, look at all the fun things we did..."  Why not hear about the blunders and the reality instead?  So, here it goes!!!! 

Real Mom Moments:

*I do not read a story to J every night.  I sometimes try, but he just shuts the book. And if he would rather eat the book then hear a story, that just means that I get to sit with the quiet for 2 minutes.
*I also do not sing too many lullabies to him.  Honestly, I forget all of the words.  And besides Itsy Bitsy Spider, he doesn't care for them.  But he does love his pop and classic rock! 
*I am counting down the days until J's first birthday so I can wean from breastfeeding.  I love the benefits of breastfeeding for both of us, but its so inconvenient.  You know those pictures of a beautiful mother looking down at her peaceful baby while he nurses?  SOOOOO NOT US!  Most sessions involve a lot of struggling and some crying (sometimes from him, sometimes from me)
*And while we are on the subject, no I am not done with breastfeeding.  Just because most people choose to switch to formula even after making a plan to breastfeed, I think many people expect me to do the same.  My goal is a year and we will make it a year.  End. Of. Discussion.  If it freaks you out, do your research.
*Sometimes I don't write down baby J's "firsts" right away and then forget.  So, there may be a few dates in his baby book that are... estimates.
*Last week Baby J put cat food in his mouth....that used to be in my cat's mouth...  GROSS!
*I don't cosleep, I would not call myself a "baby-wearer" either.
*Baby J has never had juice, ice cream, or any other food that other people are dying to watch him try, and I want to keep it that way for awhile.  It may seem like a lot of fun, but I would rather not introduce a bunch of food that has no nutritional value, especially since he enjoys his sweet potatoes and bananas.
*I rarely make J's food.  I have made several things and agree that it is better.  But those pre-packaged baby food purees are just way too convenient.  Lay on the mom guilt for this one!

And many more...

Real Mommies, we have to unite!


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