Waiting Day #5
We are trying to prepare as much as possible during this waiting period. I worked very hard to finish our scrapbook last weekend, and it's looking good. This scrapbook is something that our licensing worker will show to CPS caseworker when they are deciding if we are a good match for kids. We will also use it to show the children so they know what to expect. We have pictures of our house and backyard, their room, and our family. We have pictures of our extended family, our pets, and the activities we like to do like going to the park, the zoo, Disneyland, and the children's museum. We also included a page for each of us on our hobbies.
I am also trying to get our organization systems ready before we hear about the kids. We will have binders for each kiddo with medical information, incident reports, important contact numbers, and reports from CPS, therapists, or any other professionals in their team. There are so many things to get ready!
We received a letter from the Courts today saying that our homestudy has been assigned to a specialist for review! :)
I am also trying to get our organization systems ready before we hear about the kids. We will have binders for each kiddo with medical information, incident reports, important contact numbers, and reports from CPS, therapists, or any other professionals in their team. There are so many things to get ready!
We received a letter from the Courts today saying that our homestudy has been assigned to a specialist for review! :)
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