Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day to all of the wonderful mothers in our lives! We could not be where we are today without the love and support of our moms. We are so excited to celebrate the wonderful moms in our lives. Mother's Day as a foster parent is a little different. It's a difficult blend of emotions. On one hand, all foster mothers are fully and completely moms, with everything that comes with being a mom. Foster moms deal with tears, dirty diapers, potty training, owies, rocking to sleep, waking up in the middle of the night, homework, and everything else. However, many foster mommies do not feel they can celebrate mother's day. It can be a time of mixed emotions since many birthmothers try very hard to remind foster parents that they are the "real mom." It can also be difficult for foster moms with older children. The children may be sad as they are reminded that they are not with their mom. Although not all of these apply to me...