A Non-Update Update
Yes, that's right. I am updating the blog to let you all know that we have no new updates. Some say that the system is broken, or that it lets children just "sit" in foster care. Maybe there is truth to that. From what I can tell, they are moving on our kids' cases, but it's hidden under layers of rules and red tape. What I mean is that every step takes about 1,000 little steps. For severance to happen, there have to be a million other things that go through court. For a family reunification, even more. There are so many things that happen that we cannot share, so we are just waiting the time when we know what our children's future is for sure. We can guess based on what we have been told. But we also know that nothing is final until the judge says it is. If a CPS worker tells a family that something definitely will happen, I never believe them personally. Just because they do not have the final decision and things change all the time. So here we sit, taking c...